Would you like to improve your observation and drawing skills? Why not join me taking part in my Inktober drawing challenge #pockethitchhikerstober.
A 31 day challenge, no prompts. In which you are encouraged to get outside everyday in October, and draw something from nature, a ‘pocket hitchhiker’ that you pick up on your walk everyday in October.
I learnt to draw by taking part in the #100dayproject. A commitment of drawing or doing something creative for 100 days. You can see my 100 days of drawing here. This accountability and commitment triggered my nature journaling journey.
Drawing is all about practice. Those people who you see who are genius at it, draw everyday, and have practiced for years. Drawing everyday you will surprise yourself how you improve over the month. Training your hand/eye coordination.
30 days is a commitment and it can be difficult, frustrating, and sometimes you just can’t be bothered. But if you stick with it, and create ‘something’ every day you will learn a lot about yourself, your subjects and your observation and drawing skills will improve.
Since then I have found this kind of challenge inspiring, and a great way to improve my skills and learn new things. Not only for drawing but in other areas of my life, to create good habits. Running, ditching social media, getting outside. It’s a great way of getting rid of your ego, that thing that gets in the way of you creating or doing the things you want to do. Maybe because you’re afraid of failure, or getting something wrong, or worrying what other people think.
I have regularly taken part in Inktober over the years and have loved creating and learning in this way.
Here are a few of the different projects I’ve worked on for Inktober over the years.
#Inktoberredlist - 2019 - I drew a different UK species everyday that appeared on the UK Red List, species that are considered under threat of Extinction. I went on to create a small book.

#uktreetober - 2020 - I used the month to learn about native British trees. This project has inspired a long term project that I continue to work on.

#handmadeinktober - 2022 - Following on from #UKtreetober, I had made a lot of handmade inks from different plants and trees. I decided to spend the month painting the ‘pocket hitchhikers’ I picked up on my walks only in handmade inks, and in a tiny sketchbook that I had. I made a short film for each drawing.

I hope you find these inspiring and would consider joining me this October.
To take part you will need:
A pen, ink if you have it, no pencils or erasers (there are no mistakes).
Some paper, or a sketchbook.
How to take part:
Get outside every day in October
Notice what is around you, what changes are happening?
Find a ‘pockethitchhiker’ of your choice every day.
Draw it. Even better if you can draw it outside.
Then share it. You can share your drawing on Instagram or Facebook with #pockethitchhikerstober or you can share over on the chat forum on my website.
Even if your drawing only takes you 5 minutes, draw it, draw round it, draw its shadow. Maybe set yourself the time limit of 5 minutes or less everyday if this would make it more manageable. Find a way to leave that inner critic and ego behind and put something down on paper. I find giving myself limits and constraints really useful, it takes some of the thinking and procrastinating away, and allows me to just create.
You could take an A4 sheet and add a new treasure everyday, watching the page fill up over the month. You might surprise yourself and end up filling 2 or even 3 pages.
Use the challenge to kick start a new habit, drawing.
Will you be joining in?
Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.