Well striking while the iron’s hot, making some plans for the coming year. Two exciting trips on the calendar and on our family adventure list for 2015
Last June as part of my 40th birthday celebrations I climbed Mount Snowdon with some friends ( this originally started as a let’s climb a hill and drink wine weekend) . It was an awesome experience, we were amazingly lucky to have beautiful weather, and picnicked in style at the top on cheese, crackers, chutney and harissa.
We got the bug, while there we decided we’d have a go at Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis too, why not? Not in 24 hrs, but a leisurely girls weekend away, soaking in the scenery, company and wine. So off we go at the beginning of June to climb Ben Nevis (we’ll save Scafell for another weekend!) The second trip will be a family affair, we were looking at going to Anglesey for a summer holiday, as Scotland is a bit far with small children that don’t travel well. But Anglesey is expensive when you’re on a budget. So yesterday when my husband forwarded a fab YHA offer, I got booking, not Anglesey, but in Llanberis. Can’t wait to take the girls up Snowdon (I think we’ll take the train up, and walk down). Whilst researching family friendly adventures I came across this post from afamilydayout website, there are some excellent family friendly microadventure ideas. We’ll definitely be doing a night walk around our local nature reserve before January is through.